I'm back . I know I've been AWOL for a while. I have been crocheting a little lately, but I just haven't felt like updating my blog. I've been feeling down in the dumps about my job situation, and have had a hard time motivating myself to do much.
And what do I say about why I lost my last job? Do I say the truth, that it was due to a personality conflict between me and my old boss, but then risk looking like I can't get along with people (I think I'm an easy person to get along with, even if I am generally quiet)? Do I say that the job just wasn't a good fit (but the Research & Planning Associate has a lot of similarities to my last job, and I don't want to look like I'm not qualified for it)?
Now on to some lighter stuff. I finished my sister's wedding shawl a few days before her wedding, and gave it to her the day before her wedding. I was worried that the blue shade I chose would be a lot lighter than the trim on her dress, but the yarn actually wasn't too far off. My sister loved the color and the sparkle of the yarn. Here's the completed shawl:

I had also crocheted a baby washcloth in Lily Sugar N' Cream Stripes - Baby Stripes, using an "arcade" stitch pattern from the Crochet Stitch Bible. I wrapped the washcloth around a bar of baby soap and tied with a ribbon. I took photos of both the sweater and the washcloth, and left them on my camera. As luck would have it, the same day that I sent the baby stuff with my daughter to school to give to her band teacher, I got ready to download the photos of the sweater and the washcloth to my computer, and realized that my husband had deleted them when he was clearing out old photos from the camera. Argggghhhh! Needless to say I was very upset.
I do have one other item I crocheted for the auction to show however. This is a bib crocheted with DMC Senso (microfiber cotton/acrylic blend) and a G hook.

I couldn't say no to walking down to the park though, when my daughter told me that walking is good exercise, and that it's better for the Earth than driving, LOL! I like our lakefront park, because there's always a lot of families with kids there, so my kids always find someone to play with at the playground. When we were walking into the park, my daughter spotted a brown speckled bunny underneath a tree. I couldn't get very close to the bunny without it getting nervous, so I used tried to zoom in with my camera, but the photo came out fuzzy.

Well, that it for now for finished crochet projects. If you're of the praying type, please pray that my interview goes well, and that I get the job.