Remember I said I had some small crochet projects to show?
Well, here's two of them:
The first is a pillow I crocheted for my 10 year old niece Rosie (my niece Jenna's older sister) to match her bedrooms. Her bedroom is lime green (yep, it's bright!) with a lime green, hot pink, and white floral bedding set. I think this pillow matches pretty good. I used a 14" pillow form, and sewed two pieces of gingham fabric (with my crappy hand sewing skills!) over it to make a cover.

Here are the stats:
Pattern: Afghan Reincarnation - Crochet Today, December 06/January 07 issue
Yarn: Bernat Softee Chunky in Hot Pink, Hot Green, and White
Hooks: J & K
I also have a picture of Rosie with my Bethany, when they had a sleepover a few weeks ago:

The other project I have to show is a pillow I crocheted for Bethany. I saw a pattern for crocheted letters in a book, and thought of making a monogram pillow.
Here's a photo and stats:

Pattern: Letter from the book "201 Crochet Motifs, Blocks, Projects, and Ideas"
Yarn: Vanna's Choice Baby in Lamb, Aqua, & Mint
Hooks: I & K
I used a single crochet square worked in rounds with an I hook for the base. For the letter I crocheted with a double strand of yarn and a K hook to make the letter B extra-big. I think it would probably have looked better done in a chunky weight yarn, but I couldn't find an inexpensive chunky weight in the colors Bethany wanted.
I'm going to crochet a D pillow for my Dominic soon. Poor kid never gets any thing crocheted for him. It's just so difficult finding crochet patterns for boys that are beyond the baby/toddler years. Dominic is crazy about pirates, and loves dressing up as one. He had a pirate hat from his Halloween costume last year, but it's been long since lost, so he gets dressed up in the remaining pieces from his costume, and then puts a pencil case (unzipped, and turned sideways) on his head for a hat, ha, ha! It's hilarious! I'm going to have to snap a picture of him the next time he does it, so I can embarass him with it when he gets older. The other day he asked me if I can "yarn him a pirate hat". He's going to have to settle for one from the store, because even if I did have a pattern, I think that's way beyond my level of expertise.
In other news, the new job is going good. The work is pretty boring, but it's easy, and the supervisors are nice. The only thing I really dislike is the commute. The board of elections is in downtown Cleveland, but on the edge of downtown, so I have to take two busses to get there. I live barely over 10 miles from downtown, a 20 minute commute by car, but between the bus rides and all the waiting around for them (since our local transit authority recently cut a bunch of busses from the routes) I have to leave a little after 8 in the morning just to get there by 9:30, and then I get off work at 5:30, and don't get home until nearly 7.
It's hard because I only have about two hours with the kids when I get home for baths, homework, etc. At least the position is only lasting about two months. Hopefully after that I'll be able to find a permanent job where I can get home earlier in the evening.
I love the pillows. The lime green and pink combo is really cute. I see alot of that color combo, especially in stripes at the fabric store now. Its cute because its girly without being too pink.
I hear you on the commute! It can be terrible especially when you want to get home to your kiddos. Bring a book or a project and it'll go faster.
I adore the pillows. It is pretty boring tedious work, admittedly, but closer to the election (here anyway) you get double time foranything over 7 hours and the last two weeks I was working 10-12 hours and 18 on Primary day-so.......I was happy-with the exception of being in a locked courtroom with no windows and not being able to go online. I saved a ton of money though-no online purchases or swaps :)
Cute pillows!!!!
And now you know why I can't take the bus or light rail to Newark--I wouldn't get home til 6:30 p.m. Never mind that I live only 8 miles from Newark.
those pillows are so cute!! I like the lime green & pink color mix too.
cute pics :)
glad the job is going good. I know the commute can be a pain, especially when you have little ones at home waiting.
The pillows are way to cute. Love them I also have that book with the letters yet to give them a try but, cute.:)
I am so happy you happy about your job. I know I know you hate the commute but, try to make the best of it by well crocheting on the commute until you find a something different for different hours. But, you do sound happier in your posts that's way good.:) Good luck take care
The pillows are adorable, Laura! I especially love the gingham hand sew very nicely :)
I was away for awhile, getting my mom's affairs taken care of but am back on the blogging scene now. Glad your job is going well, too. Will check back again soon!
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